For the first quarter this year , there has been $ 1.99 billion in commercial sales completed in the sub- $ 2 million price range . While this is down on the prior two years , it still represents close to 2,000 transactions across the country . New South Wales remains the most active asset class to invest in , with both volume and number of sales ahead of Victoria . These two states have always been the premier market for small investors , with Queensland coming in next . However this year there ’ s been some change , as activity in South Australia has taken out third position for the first time ever , off the back of increases in the medical and childcare space . Queensland garnered good results over the past few years as buyers looked to the sunshine state due to its strong interstate migration and limited lockdowns keeping businesses open , compared with the southern eastern states .
However , the affordability which was discovered during these last few years in markets such as South Australia , Tasmania and ACT , has grown enquiry levels and , as a result , activity in these markets remain elevated compared to pre-COVID-19 results .
This was similar for Western Australia . During the past two years , this market recorded a strong increase in activity - notably from interstate buyers speculating in the robust economy of Western Australia despite stringent border controls .