Ray White Now | Catalyst For Change Edition 73 | Page 23

The New Zealand Government is moving forward with plans to make it easier for homeowners to build granny flats and increase the supply of affordable housing across the country .
These tiny , self-contained , detached homes - often called granny flats - could soon be constructed on properties with existing homes without building or resource consent – provided certain conditions are met .
The proposal is part of a broader initiative to address the country ’ s housing supply issues , with the Government recently seeking public consultation on the plan .
The rising cost of housing remains a significant concern for policymakers in New Zealand , with many Kiwis spending as much as 40 per cent of their income on rent .
Resource Management Act ( RMA ) Reform Minister Chris Bishop emphasises the urgency of the situation , stating that high housing costs place financial strain on individuals and families and hinder economic growth .
“ There ’ s a clear need to make housing affordable in New Zealand . The current cost of housing is holding us back and harming our economy ,” he says . “ This proposal to streamline the construction of granny flats is just one of the common-sense changes we ’ re implementing to make it simpler and more affordable to build homes .”
Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk highlights the proposed reforms as a timely response to New Zealand ’ s devolving demographic needs .
As the population ages and the number of small families increases , there ’ s a growing demand for smaller , more flexible living spaces .
The proposed changes would allow for the construction of granny flats up to 60m2 without building or resource consent , provided they adhere to specific guidelines .
“ These reforms represent a quick win for our efforts to increase housing supply and offer more flexible living options ,” he says . “ We ’ re hearing strong support from the public and builders alike , who view this as a sensible step toward addressing the housing shortage and providing more affordable housing options .”
The Government ’ s proposal is a practical solution to the housing crisis , allowing homeowners to expand their living spaces cost-effectively . By reducing the red tape around building granny flats , the Government aims to unlock new growth opportunities and create more housing options that cater to the diverse needs of New Zealand ’ s population .
As the public weighs in on the proposal , there ’ s optimism that these changes could pave the way for a more flexible , affordable , and sustainable housing market in New Zealand .
Source : Census data , Ministry of Business , Employment & Innovation