Ray White Now | April 2023 | Page 11


Bianca Denham | Head of Performance and Recognition , Ray White Group
With the encouraging data released on property price rises since December 2022 , you might expect to see a bigger surge in new listings , however the anecdotal evidence from across the network is that there ’ s still some hesitation from sellers in the light of the media speculation around the impact of interest rate rises .
My theory is that there ’ s a natural lag that exists as the market swings from one part of the cycle to the next , and it doesn ’ t feel like that long ago that we were seeing heavy price shifts in the bigger cities of Sydney , Melbourne and Canberra . The complexities of the economic landscape mean that there ’ s still a fair amount of negative media coverage which we know has a big impact on buyer and seller sentiment . This is an example of the perception of the facts not actually being the reality of the facts .
With the clocks winding back and the days getting shorter , the temptation for some sellers is to batten down the hatches and wait it out until spring , although that may be a missed opportunity . In this breath , between the perception of a tougher market and the realisation of more positive selling conditions , there ’ s the chance to capitalise on competing with fewer similar properties . If you ’ ve ever heard about selling in isolation versus selling in competition , there ’ s a clear advantage to selling when there ’ s less choice for buyers - more eyeballs and inspections per property means greater likelihood of multiple offers and therefore a premium price .
As with last month ’ s report , inspection numbers are climbing against the same period last year and we ’ re now seeing 24 per cent more people through our open homes . Buyers are out , prices are increasing , interest rates are on hold . There are some very positive reasons to sell now !