Ray White Now | April 2022 | Page 18

Green energy doesn ’ t require coal or oil but it does require a lot of other minerals . If the world embarks on a course to become carbon-neutral by 2050 , that will mean high demand for minerals such as cobalt , copper and nickel . Australia is not just a major producer of coal , gas and iron ore but is also rich in minerals required for green energy .
Unlike the other markets to watch , the impact on property is longer term and the areas that will be impacted are variable . Most copper is produced at Olympic Dam in South Australia and Mt Isa in Queensland . Most lithium is located near Greenbushes , 250kms from Perth . In the same way high demand for iron ore led to strong growth in mining towns in places like Port Hedland and Karratha , for areas rich in minerals required for green energy , it ’ s likely that there will be much higher demand for housing and hence a resetting of pricing .