Ray White Now | April 2022 | Page 17

It topped the capital cities for price growth for houses and units through the pandemic , saw the strongest rental increases of all capital city housing markets , and unit rents have grown in excess of 10 per cent . Canberra continues to be red hot and for now , that strength is set to continue .
The main driver of such stellar performance has been employment growth . The pandemic has created a lot of government jobs and this flows through to the non-government sector . The pandemic is not yet over and although restrictions seem to have calmed down , it ’ s still going to take a big government sector to get us through the post-pandemic years .
We also have a federal election taking place this year - if we see a change of government , there will be additional employment created by the changeover ( e . g ., consultants ) and , potentially , even greater employment created long-term . Add to this the reopening of international borders and the return of overseas students and it looks as if Canberra ’ s boom is set to continue .