Compliance timeframes
There are already legal requirements for the healthy homes standards in the form of a statement of intent , which must be present in any new or renewed tenancy agreement .
Required since 1 July 2019 , failure to include this statement can result in a financial penalty of up to $ 500.00 . The next compliance deadlines can be outlined as follows :
1 December 2020
A comprehensive and detailed healthy homes statement must be included in most new or renewed tenancy agreements . Landlords who fail to include this can face a financial penalty of up to $ 500 . The statement details each of the five individual healthy homes standards and specifically how the rental property complies with them . Supporting evidence is required , including measurements , photos , or work invoices and other relevant paperwork - and the evidence must be available to tenants , upon request .
1 July 2021
After this date , all rental properties must meet each of the five healthy homes requirements ( detailed in the following pages of this guide ) when any new or renewed tenancy agreement is signed . If a property does not yet meet any standard ( s ), it must do so within 120 days of the tenancy start date . Landlords who fail to meet the standards by that deadline may be liable for exemplary damages of up to $ 7,200 .
1 July 2025
In the rare event that no changes of tenant or renewals to an existing tenancy agreement occur in the previous three years ( e . g . in the case of a long-term sitting tenant ), a rental property must still comply with all five healthy homes standards by this date , regardless of the circumstances .