Raw & UnKut Magazine Volume 1 | Page 33

SAYCHEESE! PHOTOGRAPHER: MICHELLELOGAN So when did you f al l in l ove wit h phot ography? Nint h grade. When I st art ed t aking phot ography cl asses in high school . Is t here anyone who inspired you? My grandf at her was a phot ography ent husiast . Looking at his ol d phot os he t ook around t he worl d whil e in t he army and al ways seeing him wit h his camera. Because of him I have t ons of candid phot os f rom my chil dhood. How have your passion/ t al ent changed your l if e? Because I decided t o f ol l ow my passion I have met so many peopl e f rom al l wal ks of l ives. I have had t he chance t o t ravel near and f ar because of phot ography. I have l earned about dif f erent cul t ures, f amil y dynamics and l if e. Do you have any school ing behind your t al ent or was it in your nat ure (sel f t aught ?) I t ook f our years of bl ack and whit e and col or f il m phot ography courses in high school Do you f eel l ike your making a dif f erence wit h your craf t ? Yes. I did not become a phot ographer t o gain accol ades or recognizat ion in magazines. My work changes t he l ives of my cl ient s. They f orever have a moment of t ime capt ured by me. Do you f ind yoursel f doing t his f orever? Yes. What ?s raw t al ent t o you? Raw t al ent is when one is just born wit h it . Doesn't mat t er if it 's t he eye, t he voice, t he grace of movement if you're an at hl et e or dancer. God bl essed you wit h it so t hat you may bl ess ot hers. h t t p :// u r b an sh u t t er b u g.co m / 33