Raw & UnKut Magazine Volume 1 | Page 28

Af r o Po l it ic s This colum n is devot ed t o cur r ent polit ics, event s, t r ends in t he bay ar ea via video. Keeping ever yone in t he know in t he Bay Ar ea. (Cl ick or Copy l ink f or Inf ormat ion) Gent rif icat ion Takes A Tol l On Oakl and Seniors http:/ / oaklandlocal.com/ 2015/ 03/ gentrification-takes-a-toll-on-oakland-seniors/ Oakl and, Al ameda Count y Joining Forces To Keep Raiders http:/ / profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/ 2015/ 03/ 21/ oakland-alameda-county-joining-forcesto-keep-raiders/ Oakl and mot her dies shiel ding chil d f rom deadl y st ray bul l et http:/ / wn.ktvu.com/ story/ 28353598/ oakland-woman-dies-shielding-child-from-deadly-salvo Marshawn Lynch To Oakl and: ?I've Been Losing Too Many Of Y'al l ' http:/ / www.huffingtonpost.com/ 2015/ 02/ 20/ marshawn-lynch-oakland_n_6721484.html NFL PLAYERS REACT TO COLIN KAEPERNICK SITTING OUT NATIONAL ANTHEM http:/ / abc7news.com/ sports/ nfl-players-react-to-kaepernick-sitting-out-national-anthem-/ 1489667/ 28