Raw & UnKut Magazine Volume 1 | Page 13

I n t e r v i e w wi t h " Au t h o r " Ra i mo n e B. 1.So when did you f all in love wit h wr it ing? I discovered my talent for writing sophomore year of high school. We had a substitute teacher in our English class who asked us to all write a poem about anything we wanted and to be creative. I wrote a poem describing my neighborhood, the trials and tribulations of being a black man and saluting the black woman's ability to raise children in this environment. The teacher liked it so much, he made me read it in front of class. I was so embarrassed but after I finished reading it, the look of shock and awe on everybody's faces surprised me. I was the talk of school for the next few days and from that point I was hooked. 2. How have wr it ing changed your lif e? It 's changed my life in a positive manner because it is my outlet for frustration, pain, and allows my creativity to run wild on an isolated platform. It 's definitely opening up some doors for me now so I'm going to enjoy the ride and see where it goes. 3. How does t he bay ar ea inf luence or inspir e your t alent or passion? I'm from a East Oakland, so everyday I'm inspired to tell OUR stories of what goes on in our city, our neighborhoods, our streets. We have a lot of culture out here which has no color lines. It 's so many avenues for creativity in the Bay Area and everybody has talent, that 's what inspires me, to be one of many. 4. Do you f ind your self wr it ing f or ever ? Possibly. As long as there's a story to tell or an audience who wants to hear more, I'm in it for the long run. 5. What 's raw t alent t o you? Raw talent is something that comes from within. A God given characteristic that makes each one of us special in our own little way. It can't be taught or chosen. Ple nty of people go to school for art, writing, music etc., but the ones that truly shine are authentic to their craft. It 's in there genes. I didn't choose art or writing, it 's something I've always has the natural ability to do fueled by the LOVE of the craft, not profit or popularity. ht t ps:/ / www.f acebook.com / raim one.bradf or d 13