Raw & UnKut Magazine Volume 1 | Page 11

RAWMC Nat haniel Findley, bet t er known by his st age nam e Shady Nat e, is an Am er ican rapper f r om Oakland. He is CEO and Founder of Shady Nat ion. He is also m em ber of t he gr oups Da Heavy Hit t er z, The Go Boyz aka Pot of Gold, Livewir e & Livewir e Da Gang. Shady Nat e was bor n on Oct ober 17,1981 and raised in t he Acor n Housing Pr oject s of West Oakland, Calif or nia wher e violence, r obber ies, and dr ug dealing cont inuously occur r ed ar ound him , he would begin t o wr it e t hese incident s down in a jour nal. They becam e poem s which Shady Nat e would lat er rap in his songs. His inf luences include The Luniz, Too Shor t & 3X Crazy. Af t er spending lot s of t im e in t he r ecor ding st udi