RAW Moves presents Ghost Call GHOST CALL DIGITAL | Page 10
Matthew graduated from Nanyang Academy
of Fine Arts with a Diploma in Dance with
Distinction (Choreography) and attained
Best Graduate Award in 2013. He is a
founding member of RAW Moves and has
since performed in most of the company’s
works such as, Sounding Body (2016), On
Display (2016), Indices of Vanishment (2017),
Archipelago Archives Exhibit #3: If I could set
with the sun (2017), 慢慢走 - Walk Slowly (2017),
X & Y (2018) and Close Company (2018), Close
Company’s Australian premiere at OzAsia
Festival (2018) and Alice, Bob & Eve (2019).
His own choreographic works include That
Special Thing (2012), As WE Repeat (2013), The
Turn (2014) under RAW Moves’ Run Another
Way Platform and A Swee Way to Fly... (2016),
PerforME (2017) and Tapping Out (2018) under
RAW Moves’ RawGround Platform.