Raw Ink January 2014 | Page 21

Raas Utsav ‘13 “AeHalooooo!!!!!” is what strikes our mind when we hear about the Garba. I am no garba fan but the overall enthusiasm grips you all the way with loads of colors and music. Raas Utsav’13 was ought to be the ice-breaking event in the history of SLRTCE after the promising Freshers’13. Arranged by the variety of students from the whole college, this event was declared a hit by the staff and other higher faculties of the college. Opening up at 3 o’clock, the event took a full flow of rhythm after offering a prayer. With the gathering of 200-250 students till 6:30pm. The USP of the entire event was the enormously large music system by ‘DJ Florida’ and refreshments. While the participation of the students was high, teachers and other staff members also enjoyed the event to the fullest. The surprise element of Raas Utsav’13 was a secret competition which was held by the organizers. Few teachers and students were allotted and were left in the crowd to catch up the persons who were flaunting their ‘garba’ flawlessly. These people were short-listed and then the real completion began among them! Almost the entire public gathered to watch their garba all the way. The real show stealers were Khyati Patel (in the left pic) and Dhruvesh Jayani (no pics for him :P) who also took away the competition by winning the ‘Best Dancer’ (female/male respectively) tag. With the input and support of the students of the college itself, the real compliment goes to the higher authorities of the college for permitting this event in full flow :P. We hope the organizers pull off an even better event Next Year. One of the best one-liners among the promotional posters of Raas Utsav’13 -“Keep Calm And Do Garba“ would be the perfect conclusion for this article! :) -Zubeen Sayed 19 17