Raw Ink January 2014 | Page 19

Yup. That is for my specs. (Sounding obvious) Next we have this clutch. Prada! Again a brand. Are you one of those brand freaks? Ha-ha. I might be, look I have a genuinity card “apple” ear phones with a “blackberry” mobile. Yeah those are i-pod’s earphones connected to my blackberry! also here proving it to be a genuine Prada. Is this a lighter mam? (Holding out a small (Taking out a card from the same clutch and contained rectangular object and looking sounding rather proud) surprised) Another clutch! These time a bigger one. Of course not. Why would I have a lighter! This What is this for? (Holding two clutches is a pen drive. (Snatching it from his hand and now) showing the open end of a pen drive by I keep my money and all imp stuff in the Prada one. And all other free stuffs like vouchers and all in the big one. (Laughing a bit) Ha-ha okay! Next we have a sanitizer. Why am I not surprised. Every girl keeps one, but this one is not even used once. Why you bring this. (Holding it high and looking) I do use it, now a days I don’t bring Tiffin so it’s not being used but this one is also used, look carefully its little empty. (Taking the bottle from his hands and pointing at the empty portion) Hmm, never mind. (Accepting his defeat) Next we have a pamphlet from crosswords. I was in crosswords the other day, got this there. Next we have a comb. “Wooden comb”, Why a wooden comb but? Wooden comb is good for your hair and scalp that’s why. (Taking it back from his hands) And yeah this is also branded look (showing a name written on its upper part) RIchfeel! (We opening its cover) You don’t know when you get the need of one, that’s why I always carry a pen drive. Okay, next we have a handkerchief. For obvious reasons I guess (keeping it aside and looking further in her bag) two boxes of Vaseline. Why do you have these two boxes? (Holding them is his hands) You need them! One is jelly and the other one is lotion (taking one from his hand and revealing its full name) Oh my God! Why you need two Vaseline bottles? Ha-ha. This is jelly-you apply on lips and all. This is lotion for hands and legs in winter. (Taking both from his hands and explaining) This was the last thing in your bag. You bag is labelled “Dubai Duty Free” care to explain this? (Teasing her) You will have to ask this to my father. He bought it from there and I am using it. (Laughing) are a little unsure how its spelled :P) YOU ARE A BRAND FREAK! (Joking tone) Well, we are almost at the end now. What And yeah I will remember this about are stuffs that you always bring but forgot wooden comb, thank you. Next we have an today? 17