RASH Manual RASH Manual | Page 27

Further information and resources about soil health and sustainable agriculture Soil health projects, events, grants, case studies, grazing BMP NQ Dry Tropics nqdrytropics.com.au GBP Qld (Grazing Best Practice) grazingbestprac.com.au Soils for Life soilsforlife.org.au Soil management Sodic, saline and acidic soil qld.gov.au/environment/land/soil Stirling et al. (2016): Soil Health, Soil Biology, Soilborne Diseases and Sustainable Agriculture: A Guide. CSIRO Press. Field ID Guides Technical information, courses and consultation: Agricultural Information Monitoring Services Consulting aimsag.com.au Future Beef https: futurebeef.com.au Inside Outside Management insideoutsidemgt.com.au Maynard and Revell selfherding.com Meat and Livestock Australia mla.com.au Resource Consulting Services rcsaustralia.com.au Soil Land Food soillandfood.com.au Videos NQ Dry Tropics Youtube channel: youtube.com/users/nqdrytropics Future Beef ‘Why you Need Ground Cover’ youtu.be/GPfsE3_wXD4 and ‘Growing Grass for Ground Cover’ youtu.be/Em9eOp5TmCE. Soils for Life, search ‘Regenerating Australia’s Soil health’ Webinars Part 1 and 2. youtu.be/qtkZz6Sicj8 Anderson (2016): Plants of Central Queensland: Identification and Uses of Native and Introduced Species. CSIRO Publishing Hooker. N and B. Jackes (2009): Grasses of James Cook University, Townsville Campus Part A: a pictorial key to grass genera in North Queensland. researchonline.jcu.edu.au/2103/ Zborowski. P and R. Storey (2017): A Field Guide to Insects in Australia. New Holland Publishers. Rolfe J. et al (1998): Is Your Pasture Past It? The Glove Box Guide to Native Pasture Identification in North Queensland. Department of Primary Industries Publishing. Milson J. (2002): Pasture Plants of North-West Queensland. Department of Primary Industries Publishing. References DPI QLD (2005) Grazing Land Management – Technical Manual, DPI and MLA. Hazelton and Murphy (2007) Interpreting Soil Test Results: What do all the Numbers Mean? CSIRO Publishing. Nicholls K. et al. (2007): Planned Grazing Management Fact Sheet, Land and Water Australia. RASH MANUAL - 27