RAPPORT Issue 5 (August 2020) experience positive and beneficial as he explained the details of the Plan and available support. [S5] I had an input in the training plan. It made me aware of my responsibilities in this course. [S7] I was fully involved in drawing the individual learning plan as I am compassionate about my study and wanted to make sure that my passion is articulated in my learning plan. [S12] S8 indicated that the action plan helped him with his career decision: I had a say in my action plan as I was looking at my career path. It helped me to engage better in my study as I realised what the big picture is in my study. It gave me better understanding of the available support system. The main aims of this student-teacher collaboration are twofold. The first is to give the learners the chance to ask questions that are of interest to them, while the second is to ensure that they have a say in decision-making as partners in the learning process. Both are important for motivating and engaging students, as well as for the self-regulation of learning: I felt I was in charge of my study. I had an input in developing the action plan. There are things that I need to work on personally; like getting work experience, volunteer work, 5-year Plan for education and career, build my networking of people. I try to keep my study up, but I know that sometimes I drift off. These issues were clear to me in the tutorial meetings with the support teacher. [S1] In this context, the partnership was established by working with the students to achieve their goals. S5 acknowledged this concept of partnership in his comment: I found the tutorial meetings good because I had an action plan in place and it gave me a place to fall back, if I was overwhelmed by things there was someone to go to and ask for help. We talked about certain tasks that I need to work on and encouraged me to ask other teachers for help and get the answers that I need. It is the reassurance of what we are doing really helped. Even if the tutorial support teacher is not expert in the topic of study, I found it very useful to have someone that I can go to who knows the system and can guide me to where I can get help from. Having the tutorial meetings were beneficial because they were to touch base of how things are going and made sure I am on track. Conclusion Tutorial meetings constitute an important part of the educational process, although they are only one of the numerous ways of improving student engagement. Krull and Duart (2018) contend that tutoring plays a very critical role in the process of teaching and learning and can be typified as a strategy for improving the professional goals and academic success of students. The role of ILPs in promoting student engagement is rather straightforward. The use of this tool is founded on the recognition that the curriculum must be designed to respond to the specific needs of every learner and, therefore, work programs should meet the said needs. In that regard, it can be said that an ILP serves as an additional personalized way for recording specific learning goals to support the learning outcomes of students. 81