RAPPORT Issue 5 (August 2020) schedule at home and go through the Plan to finish the required assessments. Tutorial meetings offered me reassurance that there is someone here if I need help. [S13] Support provided by the tutor during the tutorial meetings helped students stay 'on track': In the beginning, students did not think they would need help at all. They thought they could manage by themselves. In the middle session, they thought they were on track, but in the end session, they actually could see that they would have preferred more follow-up sessions during the semester to stay on track…[the tutorial meeting] gave us the opportunity to keep them on track and provide them with support as soon as they need it. [T1] T2 was also of the view that the tutorial meetings gave valuable support: Some indicated that the workload was too big for them… Others said that they are having trouble studying, so we looked at study methods to address this issue. We also discussed resume building items such as volunteer work at local schools offering their assistance to teachers or the school or sporting clubs. I gave them ideas to develop a study plan to assist them with their study habits and discussed their progress in the following meetings. [T2] Tutorial meetings also gave the students the freedom to push themselves academically and direct their learning. At the same time, the teacher was able to monitor the progress of individual students closely and help them with any problems early during the course. The importance of the interaction between the teacher and the student in promoting increased classroom engagement is well established in the literature (Nguyen, Cannata & Miller, 2018). Both teacher respondents agreed that teachers have a significant role in facilitating learning and engagement and that the students engaged in their studies more because of the tutorial meetings: As students were aware that we will ask them about their progress, they would discuss issues as they arise which allowed us to provide support earlier on. Through the meetings, we were able to identify learning difficulties with some students and were able to offer support as an early intervention rather than leaving the student to slip through and not achieve. [T1] Concerning the effectiveness of the tutorial meetings, T2 noted: From the teacher view, it helped us to identify the students that might fall behind early on. We were able to apply early intervention to fix the issue before it becomes a problem. It gave the students a confidential environment to seek help and for us to address their concerns as soon as possible. For students, they were very happy and appreciative to the discussions we had with them. [T2] This suggests that the tutorial discussion not only excited the students, it also engaged them in their study more than previous semesters. T1 further added: I found this study very interesting as it showed me the positive side of how more interactions with students can help them more focused and improves their engagements in their study. 76