Issue 5 (August 2020)
that I completed the assignment on
time. [S12]
The tutorial meetings help me with
my time management and study and
life balance. [S9]
Because of the sound relationship
between students and tutorial teachers,
there was open conversation and
discussions that went beyond their studies.
Successful mediation by the tutorial
teacher helped learners to figure out the
things that they should do to ensure that
they are engaged and that learning is
effective. S9 had remarkable comments
about his experience with the tutorial
At a certain time in my course, I was
about to drop out because of
personal reasons and I was behind
in my study. The tutorial teacher
encouraged me to continue studying
in the course and helped me to break
down the study requirements into
manageable portions. I think the
tutorial meetings should be 2 or 3
times each semester to reach out to
the students and sort out any
problems or concerns. [S9]
The response provided by S10 also
supported the notion that by facilitating
both academic and social support, tutorial
meetings play an important role in
increasing student engagement:
In the tutorial meetings, I discussed
the issues we have in the course,
and the tutorial teacher suggested
options for me. I pursued a couple of
his suggestion and things got better.
I knew that there is a safety net for
me. [S10]
Some of the duties of teachers include
assessing the work of students, including
tests and assignments, and consulting with
the learners both within and outside
tutorial meetings. When asked whether
they thought that the students engaged
more in their study because of the tutorial
meeting, it is not surprising that both
interviewed teachers responded in the
They would discuss issues as they
arise, which allowed us to provide
support earlier on. [T1]
They found someone who listens to
them and can help them with their
journey. We [teachers] were like the
contact point to the students and
were able to guide them if they wish.
We were not fixing the issues for
them but helping them to identify
their needs and assisting them in
developing a study plan. The
students asked for more meetings,
once a month, as they found them
very beneficial. They saw that we
care and want to genuinely to assist
them. [T2]
The responses above clearly indicate that
tutorial meetings fostered an emotionally
safe environment for students and the
'human' part of engagement as it
embraced students' trust. This supportive
environment allowed them to engage
better. T2 added that tutorial meetings
clarified the role of a student and
increased the level of trust between
teacher and student, which improved
student engagement:
We [teachers] could not study for
them [students] or hold their hand
and do the work for them. It [tutorial
meeting] made them see that they
have to take the responsibility and
ownership of their study. They can
come to us for support and advice,
but it is their responsibility. We had
to break the ice with students so that
they can feel comfortable to talk with
us and seek help. [T2]