Issue 5 (August 2020)
needed to ensure successful outcomes. It
is therefore important that AA staff are
made aware of the multifarious nature of
this work, and are offered support and
training, adequate time resourcing, and
accessible effective policy and guidelines.
AA staff should have a clear view as to
what constitutes a quality placement and
be able to evidence to supervisors and/or
students where expectations are not
being met. Procedures outlining the
expectations of each party (student,
supervisor, and AA) are needed that
enable documentation of what action
plans/outcomes may be set in motion if
expectations are not fulfilled. HEIs already
possess the best practice needed to
ensure that AAs have the ability to meet
placement student needs, however this is
likely to be siloed within specific subject
areas. Therefore, the focus for HEIs, as
placement uptake increases, must be to
disseminate and support the uptake and
application of this knowledge.
Tutoring in Higher Education.
Northwich: Critical Publishing Ltd.
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Yale, A. T. (2017). The personal tutorstudent
relationship: student
expectations and experiences of
personal tutoring in higher education.
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Employability: What do Employers
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Dean, M. & Levis, A. (2019). Does the use
of a university lecturer as a visiting
tutor support learning and assessment
during physiotherapy students’ clinical
placements? A survey of higher
education institution providers.
Physiotherapy, 102(4): 365-70. At:
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Lochtie, D., McIntosh, E., Stork, A. &
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