RAPPORT Issue 5 (August 2020) international seminars which drew participation from across the globe, and led the national development work which led to the recommendation to adopt the Higher Education Achievement Record (HEAR) across UK HE. And above all it sought to manifest a living, breathing ‘community of practice’ in which many felt at home and in which all were welcomed. That, and this fifth edition of RAPPORT, provide – alongside a store of a great memories – a really positive ‘record of achievement.’ UK Advising and Tutoring Founded in 2015, the UK Advising and Tutoring association (UKAT), is an association of multidisciplinary academic and support professionals dedicated to transforming personal tutoring and academic advising practices so that every higher education student can experience inclusiveness, wellbeing, and personal growth, leading them to flourish and succeed. UKAT is a charitable trust which works directly with higher education institutions to enhance academic advising and personal tutoring practice, and which promotes student success by advancing the field of student advising and tutoring. UKAT supports the development of staff and students throughout the learning journey through professional development, sharing resources, practicing scholarly inquiry, promoting partnership, fostering community, and encouraging excellence. UKAT is allied with NACADA, the global community for academic advising. UKAT’s Professional Framework for Academic Advising and Personal Tutoring articulates the knowledge, skills, and behaviours on which effective personal tutoring and academic advising are founded. It is mapped to both the UKPSF and National Occupational Standards for Personal Tutoring. Referenced against the UKAT Professional Framework, the UKAT Professional Recognition Scheme continues the professional development of personal tutors which the CRA/SEDA award provided. Like the CRA/SEDA award, the Professional Recognition Scheme requires applicants to evidence their practice through the creation of an e-portfolio and encourages applicants to develop as reflective practitioners informed by scholarship of the field. The Staff and Educational Development Association The Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) was formed in 1993 by the merger of the Standing Conference on Educational Development (SCED) and the Staff Development Group of the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE). The Association for Education and Training Technology merged with SEDA in 1996. Its core mission is the advancement of education for the benefit of the public, particularly through improvement of educational and professional development in higher education in universities and colleges. This is achieved through relevant and valued activities, professional recognition opportunities, and publications. 3