Testing and Counseling for Young
Adults Socially and Financially Challenged
Based on a protocol signed by Baylor Black Sea Foundation and the A team from the Baylor Black Sea Foundation was among the inhabitants of
Maritime University of Constanţa, and with the full support of the Students’ the area recognized as with higher vulnerable population. More than 100
League, a testing and counseling team carried out a pre- and post-test people attended the meeting with Baylor staff and received information
counseling and testing session for the students and staff. The event took
on the available free of charge counselling and testing service and ways to
place following the spring edition of European Testing Week, taking
access, supplemented with details about the benefits of voluntary testing
advantage of the favorable context created by the European campaign.
for hepatitis B and C and for HIV.
Together with the Foundation’s counsellors, we gave young adults the
The activity took place within the collaboration with the City Hall of
opportunity to get tested and identify the risks they have been exposed to
as a result of medical treatments, surgical or cosmetic interventions, and Constanţa, which carries out for the inhabitants of this area a project
other practices with a proven degree of risk, such as borrowing personal co-financed by the European Social Fund “Integrated measures for a better
care items or risks of a sexual nature. life”.
This community testing activity raised awareness about Baylor’s services
so that university students will be more likely to seek support from us for
issues related to HIV and viral hepatitis, as well as caring for people with
these chronic diseases.
The European Testing Week,
Persons tested during the campaigns (spring, autumn)
High School & University students educated about testing
Meetings with adolescents
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