RAP AND FEMINISM Volume 1 | Page 9

The sing song, conversational rap that made Chance the Rapper famous makes an appearance on Noname’s Telefone. However, don’t you dare call her a biter or the “female Chance the Rapper” because she surely imprints herself as her own person with her first debut mixtape. First making the appearance and stealing our hearts on Chance’s “Lost” on Acid Rap, she begins to show us her clever yet heart breaking thought processes with lines like “I wanna stop seeing my psychiatrist. She said "pill pop, baby girl ‘cause I promise you, you tweaked. The empty bottled loneliness, this happiness you seek" .

In Telefone, she keeps the same formula with clever bars and heartbreaking content. She writes about all the death that surrounds her being a young black woman in Chicago. Whether it's the death of those around her with songs like "Casket Pretty", death of her childhood because growing up with "Yesterday" ordeath of a child she just wasn't ready for with "Bye Bye Baby", Noname takes the idea of mourning and turns herself into a comforting, understanding support system that anyone can connect to.