Early bird Bonus # 11 : WP Image Plus ( WHITELABEL Rights )
Easily Tap Into More Than 1,000,000 Copyright-Free , High-Quality Images Straight From The Admin Area Of Your WordPress Blog
With just a few clicks of your mouse you can select , edit , and publish exceptional images that are copyright-free .
Effortlessly edit the pictures in hundreds of different ways in order to suit your needs . You can crop , resize , and even insert any text you want !
Choose between 26 creative filters ( from " vintage " or " grungy " to " emboss " or " radiant blur .") You have SO many options to choose from that you ' ll always come up with winning combination each and every time !
It ' s easy to install and use ( in fact , it doesn ' t matter if you never touched WP before , it ' s SO easy to use that you ' ll laugh !