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Dangers of roasted meat

Eating less roasted meat may save you from dementia

Medical students at The Icahn School of Medicine in New York 1made a study recently to find out 2dangers that lie in AGEs (advanced glycation end products) that are found in roasted meat. The study was done by giving meat that is high in AGEs to groups of mice and people to see what kind of reaction it would cause. The results were then compared with individuals who had been getting very little AGEs or none at all. The results were surprising; it was found that eating roasted meat may increase the risk of dementia, if eaten regularly.

It’s known that cooking meat in the oven, grill or on a frying pan releases poisonous AGE into the meat. AGEs form when proteins and fats react with sugar. AGEs have commonly been related to type 2 diabetes, but now it seems like there might be a connection between AGEs and dementia.

According to The Icahn School of Medicine’s st3udy AGEs cause strong chemical reactions in the brain; dangerous beta amyloid proteins were found in the brains of the mice that had been getting large amounts of AGEs. Beta amyloid plaque is frequently found in Alzheimer patients.

No such plaque was found in the mice that had not been getting any AGEs.

The study also found that people over the age of 60 who had been eating roasted meat several times a week experienced a decline in the brain’s cognitive functions, which is a sign of early dementia.

Experts have said that the results of the study are definitely interesting but do not offer a final answer. It is still uncertain what role AGE could possibly play in preventing dementia

Doctors and health care specialist do still encourage people to eat meat as it is one of the main sources of protein.