Rand Show 2017 full sales pack Full info pack | Page 16

About us

The largest consumer exhibition in Africa

A heritage brand that keeps on evolving
The Rand Show , also called the Rand Easter Show , is an annual show held in Johannesburg , South Africa , and is the largest consumer exhibition in Africa . It has been an important event in the city for many years , attracting in excess of 200 000 annually .
The Science and Technology focus highlights great innovative brands across a host of different areas and themes , from technology to science , innovation and education . No other expo offers the entire package quite like the Rand Show does and over the next few years aims to be the hottest showcase for South African design , innovation , education , science and technology .

ScIence , TechnOlOgy , InnOvatIOn & MakIng

This is undoubtedly one of the most exciting initiatives at the Rand Show , with a continual growth in interest . This is an area that keeps on evolving and this year sees the addition of innovation as well as the maker movement as a key focus . Innovation is a buzzword on everybody ’ s lips at the moment and this hall will explore many of the innovative technologies that will assist businesses in the not too distant future to reimagine and reinvent . The maker movement is another area that is taking the world by storm .
“ The maker culture is a contemporary culture or subculture representing a technology-based extension of DIY culture that intersects with hacker culture ( which is less concerned with physical objects as it focuses on software ) and revels in the creation of new devices as well as tinkering with existing ones . The maker culture in general supports opensource hardware . Typical interests enjoyed by the maker culture include engineering oriented pursuits such as electronics , robotics , 3-D printing , and the use of CNC tools , as well as more traditional activities such as metalworking , woodworking , and , mainly , its predecessor , the traditional arts and crafts . The subculture stresses a cut-and-paste approach to standardized hobbyist technologies , and encourages cookbook re-use of designs published on websites and maker-oriented publications . There is a strong focus on using and learning practical skills and applying them to reference designs .” Wikipedia
History is punctuated by incredible and profound realisations and inventions demonstrating the full potential of human creativity . For centuries humans have been satisfying their curiosity through experimentation and shaping their future through discovery . Education and entertainment converge at the Rand Show to create Edutainment .