RanchNCraft: The Round Up Issue 1 Vol. 1 1 | Page 10

Social Media / YouTube

If you are a YouTuber , with a popular channel , you may be eligible for the YouTuber rank here on the RanchNCraft Server ! This rank comes with some benefits , in order to make recording videos on our server easier , such as our nickname feature in order to avoid players targeting you in game while you are trying to record , and the [ YT ] tag and name to stand out when you want to be seen . ( Plus free Marvelous ) You can find out our requirements for our YouTuber rank , and how to apply , below .
Requirements for YouTube Channels ( Including YouTube Live Streamers ) For any YouTube channels wishing to apply for the YT rank , your channel must meet the following requirements : Your channel must have 100 or more subscribers . Your channel should be active with original gaming content Minecraft and other gameplay uploaded on a regular basis . Have a reasonable amount of views per video , based on subscribers . Have some Minecraft related videos . In order to maintain your [ YT ] rank on the RanchNCraft server , you MUST upload videos made on the server on a regular basis , with links to the server in the video description If your YouTube channel meets these requirements , you can submit an application for the [ YT ] rank on the RanchNCraft Server by clicking below , and completing the application .
Please note that channels meeting these requirements are still not guaranteed a rank on the RanchNCraft server . All ranks are decided on a case by case basis by the RanchNCraft staff , and we may decline giving a rank for any reason . We will only give ranks to the owners of channels , who are producing regular content for the channel .
If you would like to apply for the YouTuber rank , and you feel your channel meets the RanchNCraft YouTuber requirements , please feel free to submit an application to RedneckmamaHicks @ gmail . com . Please include your channel name , your Minecraft user name , and what kind of videos you ' d like to record on the RanchNCraft server . IMPORTANT : Make sure to use the subject , " YouTuber Application ", so that your application will not be accidentally overlooked .
See one of the RnC YouTube ’ rs , Siren , Channels : https :// www . youtube . com / channel / UC4aFEr1s3wV7xiApnncESrQ
Don ’ t forget to check out the official RNC YouTube either !: https :// www . youtube . com / channel / UChCBTKKcajqwIJry10LdX6A
Ranch N Craft also has Facebook and Instagram , theyre pretty nifty as well ! https :// www . facebook . com / ranchncraft http :// www . instagram . com / ranchncraft