Even t
Victoria Purcell
Festival Reviews
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ammerfest once again proved to us Angel Witch begin with an intro that
that Heavy Metal is still very much brings mystery. A roar from the crowd
alive. It’s always a weekend where as the band appear amongst the dark
we see some of our favourite bands, and we shadows that is the stage and its curalways find exceptional new ones.
rently lighting situation. It really is
We walk into the new home of the Ham- an honour to see Kevin Heybourne
merfest stage in the Bonga Wonga Beach perform, he is an exstreamly skilful
Club (yes, you heard correct). We know we musician.
are in the correct place as we hear the dark Kamelot are tonights headliners. Frontonslaught that is Hecate Enthroned. The man Tommy Karevik, whilst quite reserved
crowd are already in the masses, the hair is when we spoke to him earlier in the day,
already whizzing, and the horns are high. This t r a n s formed into a man of
is a ba