Greetings from the Hart Music Boosters Welcome to the 38 th Annual Rampage Field Show Competition
It is our honor and privilege to be part of what has practically become an institution in the Southern California Marching Band arena . Today ’ s event represents the hard work and dedication of so many band and colorguard students and parents . You all spend a tremendous amount of time practicing and supporting one another , working individually and as a team to perfect your craft . We thank you for your dedication and look forward to great performances from all of you !
This event is the result of a significant effort by many people
At this time we would like to acknowledge : -Hart High School Director of Bands , Anthony Bailey , for his continued commitment to our kids ’ success -Rick Lopez and College of the Canyons Board of Trustees , for allowing us to use their facilities -Santa Clarita merchants and companies , for their financial support through advertising in this program -Our Chairpersons – Team PB , the beauty , brains and brawn behind this event -Our Hart Booster parents and family members-over 200 of you make this day possible
We would like to thank all of the schools , band directors , and their support staff for choosing to attend our event , many of who are returning participants . We know how difficult and costly it can be to put together and run a successful program . We truly appreciate your support .
A big thank you to our fellow Booster parents from all schools ! The countless hours spent driving , towing , fundraising , building props , fitting and cleaning uniforms , and providing all of that on-site support at all events does not go unnoticed by your kids . Your efforts contribute greatly to their success and overall experience in the program . It is through your tireless efforts that these music programs continue to thrive , and we ’ re sure you ’ ll agree it is well worth it .
2022 Rampage Committee
Debbie Burkhart , Annie Demuth , Lori Senft |
..…....….... Accounting |
Tara Reid , Natalie Barila |
..……............ Hospitality |
Silva Schrack |
..……....…...... Ad Sales |
Claudia Olea |
……......... Judges Booth |
Brian Schrack , Silva Schrack |
..…...... Band Check-In |
Sheri Zamperin , Jan Downey |
……......... Product Sales |
Christine Green , Linda Davaris |
……........ Band Guides |
Adrienne Reisinger |
……................. Publicity |
Danny & Ruth Aldridge , Blake Hyer |
…….…...... Bus Parking |
Jennifer Garcia , Niki Hyer |
…………..... Raffle Booth |
Mario Lopez , Dave Green , Jon Augusta |
….….….... Concessions |
Beth Seal , Paola Tuchan |
……................ Rampage |
Amando Olea , Mike Grunbok |
….…............. Facilities |
Eugene Caldera |
…….................. Security |
Karen Milburn |
….……........... First Aid |
Holly Bailey |
……............ Ticket Sales |
Jamie Otteson |
....…...... Gate Control |
Adrienne Reisinger , Adrienne Trujillo |
. Volunteer Coordinators |
Silva Schrack , Shirley Pundt |
…. Graphics / Program |
Michael Uno , Sal Suarez .….. Welcome Back BBQ |
2022-2023 Hart Music Booster Board
Director – Anthony Bailey President – Jamie Otteson VP , Ways & Means – Michael Uno Secretary – Adrienne Reisinger
Treasurer – Sheri Zamperin VP , Operations – David Green Auditor – Adrienne Trujillo
Members – at-Large – Beth Seal & Carleen Grunbok