Rally-eMag August 2013 | Page 30

Rally-eMag August 2013 / Column The Road to Wales Rally GB Dreams of being a rally driver, at some point in our lives, haven’t we all had them? The harsh reality though is that rally driving isn’t as a easy sport to start with as say, football. The required inflated piece of leather costs a lot less than a full blown rally car. Once you do start, “A mark, a yen, a buck or a pound. A buck or a pound, a buck or a pound. Is all that makes the world go round. That clinking, clanking sound. Can make the world go round…” (Joel Grey, Cabaret, 1972) To anyone who has ever dreamt of driving in a world class rally, I’m pretty sure you first thought of you strapped tight into the driving seat speeding between the blurring trees, your co-driver over the intercom ‘200 Hairpin, handbrake, don’t cut’, gravel flying hitting the windscreen, you can feel sweat of pure adrenalin running down your neck under your helmet, the wheels sliding on the gravel the smell of rubber and oil. Well before you get anywhere near that point you need a car, money and lots of time… 30/32 So the next part of the journey is the hard part, the money. Finding sponsorship is not an easy task. The first thing is finding the people and companies you want to target. I know what you are thinking, it’s obvious, anyone to do with cars. That is of course a good starting place. After creating cover letters, PDFs and leaflets I emailed every company I could think of that had any connection to cars; rallying and motorsport, there were lots. When I say I, I mean we. I think Will Michael make his dream come true to and fly a blue Impreza through the Welsh forrests? Words and images By: Michael Jenkins the road to the top is even more expensive and thus difficult. In this monthly column we follow the adventures of Michael Jenkins, an amateur rally driver who set himse ?H??[????\][??[?\?YX\??&\??[\??[H???H?[Y?X\?H?\?[?[XZ[?[?Y??\?\?XH?[?\??H\?H?\????X?[?B?]?H\???\?Y]??YH?H?\??????\??[?]Y\???YH???H\??\??\?Z???[Y\?]Z]\?]?H??[][?]H?\????[\??[??[?\?]Y\??\?[?H[?????X?Y??YH?H\??\??\\?X\??]?[????[????[??\?\?H\?\?\???X?]\?B??\??H[?H]?H??[?H?Y???X?[???X][?\?[????YHX^?H??X?Y?\?XY[??[?H??H?H?X?[??H??\[?H?[??\??[?[[?H?[?[H?[?[?Y?\????