Rally-eMag August 2013 / The Inside View
Team logistics – that’s everything from personnel to
trucks and rally cars – primarily falls to him and his
Amongst other things, Iain
is responsible for organising the team’s pre-event
test. Liaising with George
Black, he books the best
test roads around as well
Lesley Philip and Iain Tulas organising all the same
lie form Milly’s expert team logistic paraphernalia you
of logisticians and their
would expect for a round
work starts a full 12 months of the world rally champibefore an event. Lesley
onship – the car, spares,
has been with the team for personnel, everything.
more than 10 years and
in that time she has made
In fact Malcolm was keen
good relationships with
to highlight the role of the
some of the best hotels
test team in facilitating the
in the regions we visit. As
team’s impressive perforsoon as one event is finmance in Finland. Ahead of
ished, she’s on the phone
Germany, Iain has helped
to reserve the team’s acnegotiate an even more
commodation and travel for extensive test so that the
the following year.
team heads to the first true
asphalt event of the seaAs each event gets closer, son as fully prepared as
the busier the logistics de- possible.
partment gets. Four weeks
in advance, entries are
These three individuals are
placed, nominations made so integral to the M-Sport
and fuel ordered. Bulletins, team that there really is
road books and maps are
too much to mention! But
distributed to crews and
thanks to M-Sport’s logiskey members of staff; and
tic department, the squad
communication with each
heads to Trier with their
department is rife as Milly
confidence high. Here’s
and his team plan the lohoping we can replicate
gistics for trucks, personour recent success with
nel, recce cars, rally cars,
another podium result.
spares and even catering.
If it wasn’t for a puncture Ostberg would have challenged Ogier all
the way to the finish, if.... In the end there were two Fords on the
podium. A Frenchman in a Volkswage claimed the top spot though.