Rally-eMag 015 January 2014 | Page 36

Bas’ ForMyFriends Bas’s ForMyFriends Bas Romeny travels the world to watch the WRC. Between his eyes and the rest of the world he usually holds a camera. You can see the results of that throughout this magazine. During events he often he sees ‘other things’ than rally cars going over crests. He decided to send a selection to his rallyfriends. And now he shares them with all his friends at Rally-eMag. In this section he wants to share these visions with you… 1 Here he shows you his observations and his thoughts at the moment he made the pictures 2 1. Look what a shiny car I have... 2. I must take a picture! 36/40 3. Pom, pom, pom... 3 4 4. Oh you already started?