RallyRACC-Rally de Espana / Rally review
Latvala is in pretty good shape
and although he is feeling more
and more comfortable on tarmac, gravel is still his favourite
turf. But being first on the road
is not easy on gravel. Andreas
Mikkelsen who started as eleventh WRC driver sets two fastest times. Latvala’s lost time was
relatively limited because of the
dust issue. Of course Latvala
threw up the greatest amount of
So Sordo was not rewarded
for the tactics that brought him
behind Latvala on the asphalt
stages. He was even 1,5 second
slower because of the dust of the
Finn. But Ogier started a new offence bringing him closer to the
top. Especially when the dust
situation improved. From the
middle of the day Ogier starts to
climb the ladder. On the penultimate stage, the second passing