african straw-coloured fruit-bats in flight in zambia | kasanka trust
THAILAND Spoon-billed Sandpiper Breeding grounds in Russia & Bangladesh wintering grounds in Myanmar
SOUTH SUDAN White-eared Kob & Tiang Antelope Within South Sudan : from south to the north and east
Strategic Land Purchase to Protect Spoon-billed Sandpipers protects a critical stopover site on the Inner Gulf of Thailand for migratory birds , including the tiny Spoon-billed Sandpiper , where they rest and eat while traveling 15,000 miles round trip . Without safe stopover sites , the Sandpiper would go extinct .
Save South Sudan ’ s Great Antelope Migration supports establishment of a 9.3-million-acre protected corridor in the Boma-Badingilo Migratory Landscape for the massive antelope migration .
ZAMBIA African Straw-coloured Fruit-bat Various locations across Africa Kasanka National Park
Protect the Largest Mammal Migration in the World safeguards 12,701 acres of evergreen swamp forest in the Kasanka National Park in Zambia . Each year between October and December , 10 million African Straw-coloured Fruit-bats migrate from regions across Africa to these essential feeding grounds in the park . This is by far the largest mammal migration in the world .