Rainforest Trust 2022 Annual Report 2022_Annual Report-single pages | Page 3

Council Members
Julie Bashford Dr . Bruce Beehler Dr . Gwen Brewer Callie Broaddus Dr . Thomas Brooks Dr . Nigel Collar Dr . Chris Elliott Ramón Escobar ( from May 21 , 2022 — March 9 , 2023 ) Dr . Andrew Farnsworth ( as of February 26 , 2022 ) Robert Giles John Gwynne The Honorable Heather Hodges Dr . Pantaleon M . B . Kasoma Dr . Sally Lahm Alan Martin Dr . Russell A . Mittermeier Roger Pasquier Linda Perry-Lube Sir Ghillean Prance Steven Quarles Dr . Jon Paul Rodriguez ( as of May 21 , 2022 ) Walter Sedgwick Jonathan Self ( as of May 20 , 2023 ) Dr . Simon Stuart Dr . John Terborgh Dr . Bernie Tershy ( until May 20 , 2023 ) Peter Umunay ( as of May 20 , 2023 ) Curt Vander Meer Dr . David S . Wilcove Roland Wirth Hyram Yarbro Jeffrey Zack ( as of May 21 , 2022 )
Red Ruffed Lemur | eric isselee
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