Rainforest Trust 2022 Annual Report 2022_Annual Report-single pages | Page 12

Curated Conservation : Rainforest Trust ' s 35-Year Strategy for Saving Earth ' s Most Threatened Species
Annamite Mountain Range : Preserving Southeast Asia ' s Wildlife Haven
The Annamite Mountain Range spanning Laos , Vietnam and Cambodia is a critical home for rare and endangered wildlife . Within this biodiverse landscape , iconic species such as the Critically Endangered Saola , Large-antlered Muntjac , Chinese Three-striped Box Turtle and Red-shanked Douc Langur find solace and protection . However , the delicate balance of this forest ecosystem is under threat from deforestation , habitat fragmentation and unsustainable hunting .
To combat these challenges , Rainforest Trust has committed significant resources , investing nearly $ 5 million since 2018 to safeguard 133,098 acres of critical habitat in the Annamite Mountains . Furthermore , Rainforest Trust ' s ongoing efforts are intended to expand protection , with an additional 341,310 acres currently being secured . By preserving key areas of the Annamite Mountain Range , Rainforest Trust is not only safeguarding the survival of endangered species but also protecting the ecological integrity and biodiversity of this unique landscape , contributing to global conservation efforts .
For 35 years , Rainforest Trust has remained dedicated to a strategic approach to conservation , diligently seeking out , selecting and returning to landscapes that harbor the most threatened species on Earth . The urgency of protecting these remarkable ecosystems cannot be overstated . Rainforest Trust ' s unwavering commitment offers hope for the future , safeguarding Earth ' s biodiversity and preserving the awe-inspiring wonders that make our planet truly remarkable .
Biodiversity Hotspots
“ Biodiversity hotspots ” are regions with exceptional biodiversity and high concentrations of unique species . They are important because they support endangered species , provide essential ecosystem services , preserve cultural heritage , offer scientific insights and contribute to global conservation efforts . Protecting these hotspots is crucial for preserving biodiversity , maintaining ecosystems and ensuring a sustainable future .
Three-striped Rainforest Box Trust Turtle 2022 | Fivespots
Annual Report