Rail Analysis India March 2018 Digital Magazine | Page 62

Article | 61 Metro Projects Analysis of Metro rail project selection bias with Principal Agent model : A case of Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Jaipur and Chennai Metro Rail Systems Introduction Delhi has highest ridership trends, whereas Chennai has the lowest. It should be noted that each system has different length and urban coverage. Metro rail system Forecast and Actual Cost A rail transit project requires large capital investment when compared to other modes. Accordingly, the forecast of travel demand, revenue and costs, which justifies the investments, shall be accurately done. As noted by (Pickrell,1989), despite of the high expectations, the sustainability of the rail transit projects is often found questioned. Vinod Rathod Metro Projects In the present day, many Indian cities are showing significant interest in Metro rail projects. The current Metro rail selection practice not only lacks clarity in defining target expectations but also is devoid of any review model to check if the projected targets are met. There is an urgent need to study about such Metro rail investments, with focus on their decision-making process, planning/investment objective and outcomes. It was observed from Delhi Phase-1, that actual cost is 118% higher than the estimated (in 2002). In phase-2 the cost is revised twice, (Rs.8776 Cr changed to Rs.15000 Cr). In case of Bangalore, capital cost expenditure is 59% higher than the original cost. (Forecasted cost Rs. 8158 Cr and It reached up to Rs.13000 Cr in 2011). The Jaipur metro system was 62 | Article also built 59% more than the estimated cost, because the underground tunnels in the old city, added additional costs in project. In the implementation of Mumbai metro system, the estimated cost for line-1 was Rs.2356 Cr., the completion cost reached more than double the amount Rs.4321 Cr. (85 % difference). In case of Chennai, the forecast and actual cost difference was 40%. The fig.2 explains the detail components wise metro rail operation cost. It was observed that facilities management and fuel are major components of operation cost. Graduate Transport Engineer at Arcadis To analyse metro rail performance and Principal agent model, a sample group of cities like Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Jaipur and Chennai are selected. The Delphi method and semi – structured interviews with the officers, Planners and Expert infield were adopted for the study. The primary indicators of Metro rail performance; cost and ridership, forecast and outcomes data were collected and scrutinized during the comparison. Performance Analysis Ridership During the analysis process of Metro rail projects in India, It was observed from the literature and interviewers that, expected ridership demand is the key criteria for Metro rail investments. The metro rail ridership trends of five cities are shown in the fig.1.It Shows that Image Credit: wikipedia www.railanalysis.com www.railanalysis.com