Rail Analysis India June Digital Magazine 2018 | Page 32

Exclusive Interview | 33 In Early 20th Century, A San Francisco-based Architect, Urban designer and urban planner “Peter Calthorpe”, coined a term Transit Oriented Development (TOD) which defines “A mixed land use community within an average 2000 foot walking distance of a transit stop and core commercial area. TODs mix residential, retail, office, open space, and public uses in a walk able environment, making it convenient for residents and employees enables people to travel by transit, bicycle, foot or car”. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) also known as Transit Supportive Development (TSD). One of the earliest and most successful examples of Transit Oriented Development TOD is Curitiba, Brazil or Arlington, in USA. in What is the relation of Transport with land use? Is there any policy focusing on it? Land use and Transporta tion are both connected with each other. Transport is the most essential component for shaping development of a city. Land use is one of the prime determinants for movement and activity. This means, land use determines the demand for transport. Land use may influence in increase or decrease in accessibility. Integration of land- use and transit is very essential. National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP) also emphasizes on integrated land use and transport planning. It may help to reduce congestion and to help to create more viable urban spaces. Explain us in how many ways the integration of land-use and transit can be carried out? In 19th Century there were concepts like Transit Adjacent Development (TAD), a development which is physically near transit but fails to capitalize upon this proximity to promote transit riding and other economic benefits, which lacks in functional connectivity to transit/ with transit, through the Integration of Land use with Transit, near or along the station access, and in economic and fiscal benefits. Fremont is a city in California used to be a good example of Transit Adjacent development. Now Development Oriented Transit (DOT) is defined as a process in which transit is incorporated after development. The DOT defines as initiative to development first whereas TOD defines as initiative to transit first. For example Electric streetcar systems is evolved after the development of the electric traction motor in the 1890’s in network. But this term, Dittmar H. and Ohland G in 2004 also described the Development Oriented Transit (DOT) which is built to serve the development. Here transit follows the development rather than vice-versa. Thank you For Joining us on LinkedIn 16,800+ Group Members Rail Analysis India As time Transit Adjacent Development is gradually changed into Transit Joint Development (TJD) which is Joint with transit neither before nor after transit. Tokyo is one of the best examples for Transit Joint Development which did not restrict itself to Transit Joint Development, but expanded as a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) as well. Transit Joint Development (TJD) also states that a type of development which occurs because of any formal agreement or arrangement between a public transit agency and a private individual or organization. Hong-Kong is one of the good examples of this type of development. Images Credits : Author www.railanalysis.com www.railanalysis.com