A Little History about ....
The Ragged Priest
Ragged Priest was born in Essex 5 years
ago, bought to life by designer Bex Koppit.
Bex studied womenswear and marketing at
University, and began the Ragged Priest as
an online vintage store for eBay, which then
moved onto being an independant womenswear
clothing brand (something Bex never
expected). The Ragged Priest now has it’s
own personal website, stocks in certain
TOPSHOP stores, and has gained a worldwide fan club. The brand enjoys moving away
from ‘trends’ and generally trys to connect
with street culture. Ragged Priest really
has it’s own personality, and enjoys pushing
boundaries with some of it’s clothing/
garments. Bex enjoys being creative, and has
gained a secure consumer audience who in
which enjoy expressing themselves through
outfit choices, and creating new ‘unique’
looks that may have never been seen before.