Why Dye At All? Embrace Your Natural Color, or Gray Hair!
Why dye your hair at all? Natural, 'hair-color' hair is beautiful, and gray hair is beautiful too. It's not just the color of your hair that matters - a great cut and style make a huge difference. Well looked-after hair in a stylish, age-appropriate cut can totally change someone's first impression of you, regardless of the color of your hair.
Gray streaks add individuality and like any sign of aging, can be thought of as trophies of survival, rather than a negative. Embracing gray hair is a sign of self-acceptance and self-confidence. Special 'blue' shampoos can be used to keep gray hair bright and combat any brassy or yellow tints in gray hair.
Supermodel Kate Moss knows nothing says “sex appeal” like crow’s feet and gray hair. So how many cartons of cigarettes did she have to smoke to get that rough-grain, just-aged texture? Only her stylist knows for sure!
January 27th 2010.
At the launch of her new handbag line in Paris
RAGE Magazine