Rafflesian Times TEST Issue 1 | Page 11

The Raffles Parents ’ Association Subheader
The new committee has planned several events that parents can look forward to .
So far , we ’ ve had an NS Talk on 9 March , where our outgoing MC member Brigadier General Ishak Ismail shared about how parents can help prepare their sons ( and themselves too ) for National Service . Next , we had our Family Connect event on 6 April , a morning packed with fun and games for the whole family . The fun-filled activity was attended by 60 parents and their children .
In the pipeline are career talks , townhall meetings , lunches and breakfasts with the principal , the RI Open House , Teacher ’ s Day celebrations , PSLE Maths workshops , the Supervised Study Programme ( SSP ), A-Level Dinner , Scholar Hosting and perhaps another mission trip .
We also have our ongoing Zumba classes which see many mums ( and some dads ) dancing their way to a slimmer figure . And if dancing is not your cup of tea , you can also try our yoga classes .
Please check out our RPA Facebook for photos of past events and visit our website http :// raffles-pa . blogspot . sg /.
On a personal note , this is my fourth year serving in the RPA MC and I ’ m proud to be part of this dynamic Raffles family . It is indeed a pleasure to contribute in whichever way I can and I hope that more parents can come forward to help , as well as participate .
Sheela Mariamah Vice-Chair ( Year 1 – 4 ) Raffles Parents ’ Association
We make a living by what we get , but we make a life by what we give .
Winston Churchill
Rafflesian Times