Fun ... Food ... Mess
How many of you would actually love to do this. Why just leave it to the little ones. Heck I even let my dog have a Cake Smash ... was so much fun and so so much mess.
Now this little gem to the left took a little bit of time to get started but when she did she didn't want to stop. All that gooey mess going everywhere, she loved it. It was a tad hard to get her to stop but eventually she did.
What a gorgeous little girl, all dressed up and looking beautiful and how she went home - well she did have a bit of a wipe down after. Which led me to thinking I should let the mum give their kids a little bit of a bubble bath before they leave. Might be better on the car that way!
Now as for the little cherrub down the bottom, she didn't want to make too much of a mess but we did get some lovely shots of her a little bit mucky!
Anyway, I can do this for any age no matter what - it's so much fun and if there are two of you, you will absolutely split your sides with laughter - specially if you have a real cake fight LOL
We can do some nice posey photos and then get on to the nitty gritty of throwing that cake around. Can't think of a more fun time to spend an hour or so.
Just try it ... you know you want to.
Cake Smash