Test Your Home: Testing is easy and inexpensive. You can obtain an easy-to-use test kit to check radon levels in your home at hardware stores. KNOW YOUR NUMBERS!!!!!!
Attend Local Events: Start a radon-related event in your community. Encourage others to learn about radon and test their homes. Consider planning an activity to raise awareness or working with your local officials to get a radon proclamation!
Spread the Word: Inform your family and friends about the health risks of radon. Encourage them to test their homes as well.
Learn how homes are made to be Radon-Resistant: Explore radon-resistant construction practices. Did you know that Building radon-resistant homes is an inexpensive way to reduce the risk of lung cancer for families?
Remember, radon exposure is preventable, and taking action can protect you and your loved ones.
You are a GREAT Radon Rival! Keep up the good work!!