72 L . Canet et al .: Radioprotection 2024 , 59 ( 2 ), 69 – 79
Table 2 . Theme and sub-themes . Theme Sub-theme Words
Environment |
Ecosystems |
air , animal , aquatic , atmospheric , biodiversity , biota , ecological , ecosystem , environment , environmental , fauna , flora , forest , gathering , generation , ground , groundwater , habitat , livestock , meteorological , natural , nature , pet , river , soil , species , vegetation , wind |
Waste capacity , disposal , landfill , storage , topsoil , transport , volume , waste Land area , country , evacuation , home , land , local , location , region , regional , rehabilitation , relocation , residence , site , territory
Health acute , adult , adverse , age , cancer , care , challenge , child , clothes , clothing , constraint , death , diet , dietary , disease , elderly , evacuee , exposure , family , fetus , group , habit , health , health-related , illness , individual , infant , infrastructure , inhabitant , inhalation , injury , life , lifestyle , lifetime , limit , livelihood , loss , medical , organ , pathology , people , population , pregnant , risk , school , self-help , skin , suffering , surface , symptom , threshold , tissue , victim , vulnerable , welfare , woman , young
Food berry , consumption , crop , drinking , fishing , food , foodstuff , fruit , garden , hunting , ingestion , meat , milk , mushroom , restriction , water , wild
Psychological impact anxiety , behavior , behavior , depression , disorder , emotional , fear , humanitarian , mental , poor , psychological , psychosocial , reassurance , social , societal , socioeconomic , stress , trauma , well-being , wellbeing
Ethics |
Stakeholder Involvementt |
ability , acceptable , achievable , appropriate , audience , autonomy , awareness , capability , center , choice , citizen , co-expertise , co-operation , co-ordination , communication , community , confidence , confusion , consistent , construction , consultation , cooperation , coordination , cultural , decision , decision-maker , decision-making , dialogue , discussion , education , efficient , engagement , expert , flexible , historical , inclusive , informed , initiative , input , involvement , knowledge , living , media , meeting , opinion , opportunity , participation , partnership , party , public , relationship , representative , resident , sharing , society , stakeholder , survey , trust , understanding , voluntary , volunteer |
Radiological protection principles |
acceptability , acceptance , access , benefit , culture , dignity , empowerment , ethical , fundamental , good , harm , holistic , iterative , justification , justified , optimization , optimization , principle , reasonable , resilience , resiliency , resilient , respect , sustainable , transparency , transparent |
Economy |
Economy |
agricultural , agriculture , business , commerce , commercial , commodity , company , compensation , consumer , cost , customer , economic , economy , employee , employer , employment , farmer , financial , financing , funding , goods , housing , image , industrial , industry , job , market , monetary , owner , payment , producer , product , quality , raw , recreational , residential , restoration , resumption , rural , sale , sector , skill , socio-economic , supplies , supply , support , tourism , trade , working |
3 Results
3.1 . Category analysis
The categories were first analyzed , and their word frequencies represented approximately 15 % of all words present in the analyzed text . It can be observed that the social aspect , namely ‘ Ethics ’ and ‘ Life ’ themes are the most prevalent across all the guidelines combined accounting for 79 % of the four themes with the ‘ Economy ’ theme being the least prevalent at 9 %. On average , approximately 11 % of the words in each theme accounted for approximately 50 % of the occurrences within the theme . For ‘ Life ’, the 5 most represented words are ‘ exposure ’, ‘ area ’, ‘ risk ’, ‘ population ’ and ‘ health ’. For ‘ Stakeholder ’, the 5 most represented words are ‘ public ’, ‘ decision ’, ‘ community ’, ‘ stakeholder ’ and
‘ appropriate ’. For ‘ Economy ’, the 5 most represented words are ‘ support ’, ‘ economic ’, ‘ product ’, ‘ production ’ and ‘ cost ’. For ‘ Environment ’, the 5 most represented words are ‘ waste ’, ‘ environment ’, ‘ environmental ’, ‘ disposal ’, and ‘ animal ’. Overall , the most frequent words in the guidelines ( Fig . 1 ) concerned actions to reduce radiological exposure .
The ‘ Life ’ theme explores day-to-day life after the incident and health aspects such as diseases , health-related issues , and mental health . The ‘ Ethics ’ theme focuses on stakeholder involvement in the decision-making process , procedural values , and radiological protection principles . The ‘ Economy ’ theme examines the impact on actual and future businesses , direct costs of the incident , and production in sectors such as agriculture and industry . The ‘ Environment ’ theme addresses ecosystem protection , monitoring , and waste management .