Radioprotection No 59-1 | Page 5

Radioprotection VOL . 59 – N ° 1 – 2024
Un enjeu majeur de radioprotection en imagerie médicale .............................................................................................................................. 1 J . -M. Bertho et M . Bourguignon
Comparaison de la dosimétrie et de la qualité d ’ image des équipements de radiologie conventionnelle utilisés pour les radiographies du Thorax et de l ’ ASP au niveau d ’ un GHT ( Groupement Hospitalier de Territoire ).................................................. 3 F . Couzon , A . Liogier , C . Boutet , et V . Gineys
Patient radiation doses from adult CT examinations at the Souss Massa Regional Hospital ........................................................................ 13 M . EL Fahssi , S . Semghouli , B . Amaoui , L . Jroundi , and M . Çaoui
Rapid assessment of dose for large-scale individual : a feasibility study ........................................................................................................ 19 Z . Mehrabankhoo , M . Behmadi , and K . Karimi-Shahri
Requirement for diagnostic medical physicists in Vietnam ............................................................................................................................. 26 T-Q . Nguyen , T-M . Nguyen , and H-N . Tran
Assessment of radiation safety culture among radiological technologists in medical imaging departments in Saudi Arabia ................... 30 N . Shubayr , Md . Muawwadhah , M . Shami , H . Jassas , R . Tawhari , O . Oraybi , A . Madkhali , A . Aldosari , and Y . Alashban
Evaluating the knowledge and attitudes towards radiation protection in portable radiological examinations among nurses in pediatric intensive care units ................................................................................................................................................ 36 N . A . Alomairy
Evaluation of radiation dose and establishment of local DRLs for adult during abdominopelvic CT scan imaging for university hospital centers , Morocco ........................................................................................................................................................... 42 S . Semghouli , L . El Hamidi , M . Aabid , and B . Amaoui
Establishment of local diagnostic reference levels for breast cancer CT protocols in radiotherapy in a single Moroccan center ............. 50 O . Nhila , M . Talbi , M . A . Youssoufi , M . El Mansouri , Z . Tahiri , E . M . Chakir , and M . Azougagh
Knowledge , risk perception and information needs of general practitioners regarding potential health effects of electromagnetic fields : A scoping review of the scientific literature .......................................................................................................... 55 F . Forster , L . Ermel , C . Riesmeyer , R . Jung , K . Lüthy , P . Wullinger , and T . Weinmann
Chaleureux remerciements à nos relecteurs ..................................................................................................................................................... 65 J . -M. Bertho