Radioactive Sea June 2014 (June 2014) | Page 9

Like solar energy, another great alternative to nuclear power is wind energy. This practice has been used for hundreds of years. What began as wind mills to pump water for farms has been improved by modern technology. Now, wind turbines can be used to generate electricity. This alternative energy source can be used on either a small or large scale.

Individuals can invest in wind energy. Using only a few turbines, a person can generate enough electricity to support his or her household needs. Industries can use a large amount of turbines to form a wind plant. Connected to a utility power grid, these turbines can provide the electiricy required to meet industrial needs (#19).

Cost is an argument against wind energy, as well as space. However, just like solar energy, the price paid upfront is ultimately lower than the cost of attempting to rebuild our environment after so much damage has been done by other energy sources. Space as well shouldn't be viewed as an issue. There are many places where acres of land is left unused. Wind turbines could be placed in areas like these where they wouldn't harm current ecosystems or degrade the environment. Wind energy, combined with solar energy, is an ideal alternative to nuclear power. It is up to voters to support the politicians that support these clean energy policies, so the future of the environment is no longer in danger.


Political Cartoon, Resource #26