Radioactive Sea June 2014 (June 2014) | Page 2


Research has shown that in recent news, there has been a radioactive leak into the pactific ocean coming from the coast off of Fukushima, Japan. Head of Nuclear Regulation Authority, Shunichi Tanaka, says that's it has been happening since the tsunami that happend in March of 2011. A French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety, says that initial breakdown caused "the largest single contribution of radionuclides to the marine environment ever observed." Some of the radiation that had been found in the Pacific had already been dumped from a previous Company. Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) , had reportedly dumped 3 million gallons of water that was contaminated with radiation into the ocean. They did this so that they could create more storage in their storage ponds. "Jota Kanda, an oceanographer at Toyko University of Marine Science and Technology, calculated that the plant is leaking 0.3 terabecquerels (trillion becquerels) of cesium-137 per month and a similar amount of cesium-134." According to the Internation Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), TEPCO has been storing highly contaminated water in seven underground ponds. TEPCO has been talking about incorporating a filter into the underground storages, but the IAEA thinks it is still a work in progress. Ken Buesseler, a senior scientist with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, believes that since it takes years for the radiation to spread, the radiation from the leak could reach the U.S. by 2016 or 2017. ~All information from source, (Kiger, Patrick J.)

Picture of TEPCO and its workers examining it's storage units which contain the contaminated waters.

Picture above source: (Kiger, Patrick J.)

Picture below source:

Radiation leak from Japan and where the most radiation is in the Pacific Ocean.