Radiation Hardened Electronics Market Radiation Hardened Electronics Market | Page 15

TABLE 1. GLOBAL RADIATION HARDENED AND RADIATION TOLERANT ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND COMPONENTS RADIATION TESTING FACILITIES Radiation Test Facility Brookhaven National Labs Function The NASA Space Radiation Laboratory (NSRL) uses beams of heavy ions from the accelerators that feed RHIC to simulate space radiation and study its effects on biological specimens—such as cells, tissues, and DNA—and industrial materials. Lawrence Berkley Labs The laboratory was founded in 1931 as the Radiation Laboratory and conducts unclassified scientific research on behalf of the United States Department of Energy (DoE). Texas A&M Cyclotron It provides a fundamental understanding of nuclear properties along with contributing both insights and techniques to a number of related scientific disciplines, for example, astrophysics, elementary particle physics, atomic/molecular physics, and condensedmatter physics. Paul Scherrer Institute The facility allows conducting research on radiation induced effect ́