The weekend after the Symposium ERSA MRT Colin Pummell and I got together for the Advanced
Squash Patterns Workshop in Hereford, England. Colin was already an active squash stringer as
well as a busy tennis stringer, he is also both a tennis and squash coach. Just like the guys in the
Symposium, the week before, he strung racket after racket all day long, the next day we looked
at preparation for the Squash PTS level 1 test and had some practice at the speed test and cus-
tomising test. Then Colin passed the test in the afternoon with a great performance in each of the
tasks, before heading home with a smile on his face!
Nick Down - Master Pro Tour Stringer Squash
Congratulations to Nick Down, ERSA Squash Manager, being awarded the first Master Pro Tour
Stringer Squash. Nick is also a ERSA Pro Tour Stringer Tennis. The most knowledgeable person in
the squash world and the top squash stringer in the world. Nick has gone out of his way promoting
the ERSA Squash Program with only the highest complements from everyone taking training from