Racoon X-Tend Magazine Issues 01 | Page 16


Presenting the RAT PACK

ELAINE SULLIVAN-CHILD : Elaine Sullivan-Child Hair & Beauty , Dunstable
“ I ’ ve been cutting hair for 17 years . My salon and spa is in the heart of Dunstable and I run the business with my mum , Angie Atkins . I ’ m the crazy creative and she ’ s the shrewd business woman – an awesome partnership ! My team is expert in European , Afro and Asian hair so the salon attracts a multi-cultural clientele and we use our experience and technical prowess to knock out some truly hot locks .
“ I love the instant makeover extensions provide , they make your work more interesting , offer limitless boundaries . You can quickly take a person from low energy 1 to high energy 10 – you literally see clients change from low to glowing in a couple of hours . I ’ ve been in the RAT Pack from the beginning and working with my peers has been an amazing experience , giving me the chance to express my own ability at a higher level and seeing the results published in the press does wonders for your credibility .”
AMY DONALDSON : Profile Salon , Aberdeen
“ My stylish , contemporary salon specialises in Racoon extensions , bridal and Afro- Caribbean hair and our clientele is mixed , fashionable types , 16 to 60-ish . About 30 to 40 percent of my clients have , or have had , extensions , mostly to thicken fine hair . Being in the RAT Pack gives me an opportunity to work with positive , creative people who fire business ideas and explore how extensions allow experimentation with hair to give you greater creative flexibility .
“ The diversity of what you can create is the best thing about extensions . For example , they are brilliant to blend through if you ’ re doing a colour correction , to balance the colour , make it look more natural . From a business point of view , once a client has extensions they become part of their lives and you get a client for life . They visibly boost a client ’ s confidence , you can see it immediately , and the level of trust this creates between you and your client is huge . I have 10 clients who ’ ve never had a day off from extensions in eight years – how about that for loyalty .”