RACA Journal September 2023 | Page 36



Technical information supplied by Avinash Andhee , senior project leader and mechanical engineer at BBE , edited by Eamonn Ryan
The Loulo Mine in Mali recently underwent a significant HVAC cooling project , aimed at enhancing the refrigeration and ventilation systems within the facility .


Bluhm Burton Engineering ( BBE ) Projects has commissioned another turnkey surface refrigeration plant at Société des Mines de Loulo ( SOMILO ) SA gold mine in Mali , West Africa . It was a full turnkey project commencing with a hole in the ground and ending with the handover of a fully commissioned HVAC cooling plant .

Defining the character of the project was its remote location : the Loulo gold field , which includes the Gara , Yalea and Gounkoto deposits , is less than 2km east of the border with Senegal ( marked by the Falé river ) on the West Mali gold belt . The refrigeration plant as well as other infrastructure will enable the mine to expand its operations and maintain its gold production output .
THE CHALLENGE After commencing with open pit mining in 2005 , the mine took the opportunity to start looking at mining underground . Underground mining at Loulo mine is relatively shallow , but being at low altitude in an equatorial region , the mine experiences a challenging climate of both humid and hot , through the various seasons , particularly when hot and humid occur at the same time , which is most of the year .
These challenging climate conditions necessitated the turnkey construction and commissioning of a refrigeration plant at both Gara and Yalea dedicated downcast ventilation holes , in 2016 , to cool the underground workings . Since 2016 , both the Gara and Yalea underground mines have expanded production towards the south requiring further underground cooling .
The Loulo Mine HVAC cooling project involved the multidisciplinary BBE team , each specialising in their respective areas . The design phase took place in South Africa , with a dedicated division handling electrical control and instrumentation design . Local sub-contractors were also engaged to assist with the civil and structural design aspects . The mechanical design and process were managed by Andhee , who oversaw the specifications , procurement , and shipment of necessary equipment and materials to the site .
RACA Journal I September 2023
All photos by Bluhm Burton Engineering
THE SOLUTION In 2015 . an independent mine ventilation consultant prepared and issued an enquiry on behalf of SOMILO for a turnkey contract to build a 14MWR refrigeration plant at both Gara and Yalea dedicated downcast ventilation holes . BBE Projects was awarded the turnkey contract by means of a competitive tender , after a few rounds of technical and commercial queries . The BBE tender covered all technical , commercial , and statutory requirements laid out in the enquiry documents , and during the execution of the project , BBE Projects carried out detailed design , procurement , manufacturing , quality control , shipping , delivery , construction , erection , installation , supervision , project management , commissioning , testing , certification and handover of the refrigeration plants .
BAC overview . www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za