David Beer www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I September 2023 9
On 5 June , Timothy G . Wentz , PE , HBDP | Fellow / Presidential Member ASHRAE , gave the second of a series of three presentations over three weeks to the South African Chapter of ASHRAE .
The second was on the topic of Money and ethics : exploring the ethical standpoint of the HVAC industry hosted by the ASHRAE Society Chapter Technology Transfer Committee ( CTTC ). The following is a relatively complete review of that presentation edited by Eamonn Ryan , with lecture three being covered in subsequent issues of RACA Journal . Due to the importance of this lecture and its length , it is split into Parts 1 and 2 , with Part 2 to be published in RACA October issue .
Money , a topic near and dear to my heart , holds a significant place in our lives . Today , we delve into the ethical aspects of money and explore some of the challenges it presents in our industry . Core values play a vital role in this discussion , as they form the bedrock of our industry and endure through time . As we examine the ethical implications surrounding money , we find instances where individuals ' ethics shift alongside financial changes . This unsettling trend poses a significant concern .
Additionally , we must account for the intersection of risk and ethics . The inherent risks we face in our industry cannot be overlooked , prompting us to ponder how best to protect ourselves and navigate this complex landscape successfully . Regardless of our specific roles — be it consulting engineers , contractors , architects , suppliers , or representatives — we all share the burden of risk . Acknowledging our ability to assume risk becomes paramount for the industry ' s prosperity . As an educator , I always emphasised to my university students that while I could impart certain skill sets , the capacity to embrace risk lies within each individual . Recognising which risks we can accept and which we cannot , and devising effective strategies to account for them , becomes critical .
1 to 3 : We must account for the inherent risks in our industry and devise strategies to navigate them successfully .
Timothy G . Wentz , PE , HBDP | Fellow / Presidential Member ASHRAE
1 2 3
David Beer www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I September 2023 9